Josef Spillner

The game logo and a screenshot of the last-but-one version 0.2.7.
This game is special. It has been my first Linux project. It has been my first C project. It has been my first OpenGL project. Well, that was probably
too much for a guy like me :( So development has stopped sinc July 2000. But (good news): The project is not dead yet. As soon as I have some other things
done, I'll rewrite it from scratch. Everything has improved now (libs, my code experience), except 3D driver support which has even become worse. I hate
binary-only drivers!
Oh, what's the game about? Be the master of a large population, advice your people what to do and finally have either piece or war with other clans.
Nautix has its own homepage:
Josef Spillner, January 2001
The MindX Open Source Project