GGZ Gaming Zone
Brian Cox
Rich Gade
Brent Hendricks
Doug Hudson
Ismael Orenstein
Dan Papasian
Josef Spillner
Justin Zaun

Play Chinese Checkers, NetSpades, Hastings1066 or whatever you want.

Server (ggzd) control utily
This is the project which does currently eat most of my time up. It consists of 3 core clients and the number of games which should be
around 10 now, depending on the quality and stability. Every friday night/saturday morning the developer meeting takes place. If you want
to play a game, come in and do it! If you intend to develop a GGZ game module please do also contact us.
Please check out the homepage of the GGZ Gaming Zone for details.
I've got some more screenshots here.
Josef Spillner, February 2001
The MindX Open Source Project